"Korsystem" developing real-time technologies to protect equipment from corrosion, offers new disigns (bench test set) for the study of corrosion processes under the influence of corrosive elements in the studied environments. The following provides information regarding the developed testbed setup.
  "Korsystem" is ready for dialogue and cooperation with organizations for whom the question of corrosion of metal equipment, used protective effect of inhibitors and corrosion resistance of materials is a basic need. Please feel free to contact us. Our development will help you to understand and realize what tools and how to protect your equipment.
  Today, our development is unique, do not miss your chance.

1. Purpose: Stand the test set LSIU-1 is designed to stydy corrosion processes and corrosion resistance of materials in oil-emulsion and aquatic environments in the hydrodynamic changes at different concentrations of corrosive elements (CO2, H2S, O2) and salts in real time
Bench test set is designed to research institutions and energy companies (combined heat and power, mining and processing of oil and gas), dealing with the impact of corrosion on the metal and determine the effectiveness of chemical corrosion at events.
2.Purpose tests:
2.1. Testing of inhibitors designed to study:
  •     efficiency and size of the protective effect of corrosion inhibitors
  •     optimal dosage of corrosion inhibitors
  •     technical characteristics of corrosion inhibitors during incoming inspection.
2.2. The study of corrosion processes and corrosion resistance of materials in oil-emulsion and aquatic environments in the hydrodynamic changes at different concentrations of corrosive elements (CO2, H2S, O2) and salts in real time
3. Controled environment:
  •     water-based environment
  •     water-oil protection
  •     aquatic environment.
4. Specifications:
  •     range temperature testing environments: 10 - 80 ° C
  •     range of adjustable pressure in the working chamber: 0 - 0.6 MPa
  •     flow rate of 0 - 4 m / s.
5. Measured values:
  •     pH (for testing input media)
  •     temperature
  •     pressure
  •     flow rate
  •     consumption
  •     corrosion rate (including pitting)
  •     corrosion rate (of the coupon)
  • conductivity

Description and principle of operation LSIU-1
LSIU-1 was developed in accordance with GOST 9.905-82 and GOST 9.506-87 and meets all the requirements laid down in these 03 PB-585-03. All external elements hardware SIE, are under stress, are protected from accidental contact with people, and themselves technical means - and grounded in accordance with the requirements of PUE, 7th Edition and Standard 12.1.030-81.
Technical means are set so that secures their installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and repair. Test set LSIU-1 mounted on the base of laboratory fume hood SHVL. Inside the cabinet is installed test chamber equipped with piping, valves and circulating pump. The pump is equipped with a frequency converter, delivers the working chamber under test environment with a given flow rate and mode allows corrosion tests in the "rest", and in the mode of hydrodynamics.
At the cabinet mounted controls, allowing real-time measurements of pH, corrosion rate, temperature, flow rate and pressure. Strapping on the line are bubbling chamber environments (salt solutions, CO2, H2S, oil.): Thus, changing the composition of the medium on a given circuit can monitor the behavior of environments with different concentrations of corrosive elements and dynamics of corrosion processes and corrosion resistance of the materials at temperatures from 20 to 80°C changing the pressure of atm. to 4 kg/cm2
Test set LSIU-1 is equipped with an operator panel and the control unit average, can receive and process signals. In this case, the panel formed trends in terms of real-time measurements.
Control of the operation is set via the operator panel to the mnemonic scheme, which provides the same visual information in the form of trends takes readings from sensors monitoring the real-time.
Writing stories take readings archived and can be transferred to removable media USB, SD Card.
Working with bench test installation shall be subject to labor safety instructions when working in a chemical laboratory (BCI - 003 - 10).